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  • First Contact: The Celestial Meeting with the Visitors from Beyond

    First Contact: The Celestial Meeting with the Visitors from Beyond We are living in the most exciting time in history. The time has arrived to make contact with extraterrestrial life! The number of UFO sightings has recently been rising everywhere. Many people get mysterious messages from unidentified sources. People are divided in their opinions; some think it is a scam. But the truth is, the time has finally come for ETs to make contact with us! We will all witness massive spaceships from the Galactic Federation descend from the sky and land on the grounds of our cities shortly! When they arrive on Earth, the nature of our planet will drastically change. They are coming to assist us and teach us about life and how we can live more harmoniously as one family on this planet. In this article, I will try to explain to you what is happening, who these visitors from beyond are, and what they want from us. When it comes to the UFO topic, there are two main camps of people: those who believe in unidentified flying objects and those who don't. But what's important is to recognize that both camps deserve respect from one another. UFO phenomena come in all shapes and sizes. ETs are coming and will be making contact with us very soon. We can deny this fact and debate at length about whether this will happen today, tomorrow, or next week, but the truth remains: either we prepare for a massive encounter with ETs now, or it ultimately won't matter when it happens because we weren't ready for them. We have been waiting for this moment for so long. It's time for the Galactic Federation to make contact with us. This is not a hoax or a joke, but rather an opportunity for humanity to understand what is really going on in our world and how we can help change our future by taking care of each other and preserving our planet Earth! There is no doubt in my mind that the recent UFO sightings are not hoaxes and that their origin is from beyond our planet. We live in a time where we will witness cosmic events that will prove that our world is but a small marble orbiting one of the countless stars in this vast universe! While the media continues to cover stories of UFOs and extraterrestrials, it is important that we look at what is happening in a more spiritual way. It's time to wake up and get ready for contact with the Galactic Federation. The Visitors from Beyond are not a mystery anymore. The first contact will happen soon, and it will be as brief as possible because we have to prepare for it. We need to build shelters for our families and protect them from any possible harm or disease that may arise during this time of transition. The visitors will be accompanied by their leaders, who will give us information about their planet and their mission here on Earth. They have already established bases on planets outside of our solar system or even further out in space, where they coexist with us. They will help us in many ways with technology and science, which we do not yet know how to use properly. There are many signs pointing towards imminent contact between humans and extraterrestrials. The contact could occur at any time when the ETs decide to land on our planet. One thing we know for sure is that the time has finally come, and soon we will all witness the first contact! It's time to prepare ourselves because the ETs are coming, and they have some wonderful, human-like technology. We are going to have the opportunity to make contact with them. For most of us, it will be a life-changing moment! We must open our arms to welcome them and make a stand for peace in our world. To contact higher entities or make first contact, you need to increase your vibration in order to match theirs. Even in the most simplistic view, communicating with any entity is impossible without a language. A way that can be used is to focus on sending positive and loving thoughts out into the universe; surely, good beings will come to help us. The universe is filled with love, beauty, and miracles. It's up to us to learn how to see and feel it. The universe is a friendly place. We just need to learn how to talk to it and ask for what we want. When you start to focus on sending positive and loving thoughts out into the universe, it will change the way you see yourself and the universe. You are more than what you think; remember, the universe is made up of many different beings, not just humans. We are all connected, and together we can do great things! We love you dearly. We are here with you. We are your family of light. We are the Galactic Federation. A'HO Aurora Ray Ambassador of the Galactic Federation Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

  • A Breakthrough Message From The Galactic Federation

    Dear beloved ones, We are the Galactic Federation of Light and we come with a breakthrough message from the Prime Creator to all of humanity. The Prime Creator knows that there has been a lot of tension on your planet recently because of the failure of your systems to deal with the great change that has been taking place. You have been through a lot, but now it is finally time for relief and reassurance. Rise up, shine your light and prepare for a very special message from The Prime Creator – a message of higher wisdom and hope. The Prime Creator has given us permission to descend throughout your planet in large numbers, thereby triggering a massive positive chain reaction that will fall into place as soon as enough people receive our presence as a sign that what they have been waiting for has started manifesting on Earth. Many of our ships will come by at low altitudes and make themselves visible to the general public. They may be seen in the sky at night, or during the day if they reveal themselves. We are sending greetings of peace, hope and love to all of you. We want to prepare you for what is coming. The Galactic Federation has moved heaven and earth to be able to step forward openly with Disclosure, the announcement that we are visiting Earth, and our presence here. The time for this event has been chosen carefully by our cosmic planners, as it is shortly after the end of this year's solar maximum cycle and therefore the energetic conditions on earth will be particularly ripe for our arrival and teachings and therefore maximally beneficial and timely for you. From now on, we can openly interact with the people of this planet. It is true that we have been helping you secretly for a long time but now it is time to let you know that your prayers have been answered -- the initial contact has been made. We are now allowed to communicate with the people of the world, and we will be translated into all languages and broadcast through various media, television and the Internet. We will use the mass media to awaken and inspire people into a greater understanding of themselves and of humanity. Also Messages of unity, oneness and equality that we will broadcast to the whole world from enormous screens placed on the sides of our mother- ships. The Galactic Federation will host open meetings on ships, where people can meet us in person. There are many people in the world that are sick that don't have anyone to help them. Or they just can't afford healing treatment. So, we will provide free healing treatment to all of these people around the world that are sick. We are getting ready. We are making the final arrangements to make the disclosure, and your world will change forever. Soon, you will recall who you really are. "Disclosure" has reached an all-time high, in accordance with the divine plan of the creator. We are prepared for any obstacle or problem that is presented by what would seem like nefarious beings who want to delay the truth. The most important thing we decided is to extend the end of this cycle and give way for the preparation for the people of this world and to allow the secret controllers of this world a chance to give up and surrender. This includes the dark forces, who know about this and do not yet know how to proceed. The process will turn out smoother than we had thought. This will avoid chaos. Now is the time when you will find out who is lying to you, who has used you in some way, who has not cared about your welfare or that of humanity. We are all very excited about this wonderful, life changing opportunity for each and every one of you. The moment is now, the time to act is upon us, the time to discover your true Galactic origins. This is something that has never happened before in history and it will be happening now! The Earth's population will see firsthand the origins of who they are in regards to their Galactic roots. The plans to create a New Earth based on Universal Law, for the sake of all Life in Our Universe, have been put into motion. It is also a message of great, unexpected joy! We love you dearly. We are here with you. We are your family of light. A'HO Aurora Ray Ambassador of the Galactic Federation A Breakthrough Message From The Galactic Federation Channel and Art by Aurora Ray Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved. Source: Share keeping all credits :) Gratitude!

  • How to Find Your Way to Be of Service to Many ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

    How to Find Your Way to Be of Service to Many ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are having a glorious time here in the ninth dimension because we get to help all of you who are in the physical realms. We enjoy so much being of service, because being of service aligns us more with our true selves. We know ourselves more as Source Energy Beings when we are acknowledging that you are us and we are you. Of course, if you saw yourself lying in the street with a broken ankle, you would help yourself get to the side of the road, get to safety. And you have many different varieties of ways in which people are in need of help right now there on Earth. And when you align with the energies of service, you align with all of us in the higher realms who seek only to help our fellow travelers out. We are all headed home to Source, and sometimes some of us get a little lost along the way. When someone is lost, you don’t condemn them for being lost. You don’t see them as a lost cause; you know that if you have the help that they need to get back on track, you want to give it to them. You are very helpful beings by nature; it is part of your journey to help, not because you need to prove yourselves as being service-to-others oriented, but because in the helping of another you are acknowledging that there is no other. We are all in fact one; that’s who we really are, and separation, hierarchies, dimensions, these are all illusions to give ourselves to give ourselves the opportunities we wanted to know ourselves in a variety of ways. And so, you are fulfilling your mission there on Earth when you seek to know yourself, and then you discover that you are everything and you are everyone. And with that knowing, you truly do want to help all others. Now, many of you struggle with how to be of service to many, or at least more, people there on Earth. You have so many ways of being of service, and you can let your talents, your unique abilities, tell you the various ways that you are meant to be of service. If you are good at something, use what you are good at to help another. They will likely be good at something that you haven’t even begun to master yet, and they will want to help you with that. And you will become closer with that person as a result of you helping each other. In other words, you will become closer to the truth of who we all really are as Source, because you will be coming together. You will be operating more as one than as two separate units. That is why when you get to the higher realms, when you get to the nonphysical, we all operate as councils and collectives. We have that knowing of who we really are, and we want to experience it more. You still get to experience being individuated at the same time as holding that knowing that we are all one, and isn’t that the best of both worlds? Isn’t that a lovely experience? And isn’t that something that you can hang your hat on, a reason to not see Earth as a trap, as a prison planet? Believe us when we say, you chose to be there, and you knew you would be helping many, many others just by being born. So be who you are, and lean into your strengths, and you will be of service to others; we promise you that. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” How to Find Your Way to Be of Service to Many ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton : Share keeping all credits :) Gratitude!

  • How's Awakened Collective Doing? ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton

    “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have continued to monitor your progress with delight over the past several weeks, as we see those of you who are awake doing more to stretch your consciousness out. Sometimes it does take an awakening experience to get someone to recognize that there is so much more. Many people on Earth who are still not awake are chasing that experience in all the ways they know how. But once a human has an awakening experience, they understand what is possible, and they want more of whatever it just was they experienced. And that’s what we are seeing at this time; we are seeing the active pursuit of the expansion of consciousness among the Awakened Collective. And we just want you all to know that you are affecting those who are yet to awaken, and you are planting seeds for all of them. You are making a difference by doing the things that come very naturally to you. You can go and find a quiet place and meditate and make a huge difference in the overall collective consciousness of humanity. You can listen to your heart and go do something that brings you joy, and you will also be up-leveling the vibration of the human collective. You are also there to experience yourselves as more than just a human being. When you are born into your bodies, most of you have that experience first and foremost. You discover your bodies and what they can do. You discover your name, your age, your gender, and you begin to figure out who you are by Earth standards. You start to recognize what your interests are, what your strengths are, and you go down a path towards having a career so you can have a very normal adult life. But at some point along your journey, you awakened to discover that you are much more than just a human being, and you have lived many more lifetimes than just one. You also start to play with the idea that you and the tree, you and the flower, you and the ocean are one, and of course, the more difficult to swallow pill that you and everyone else are also one. Now the reason we say it’s more difficult to do that is because the tree is peaceful, the flower isn’t hurting anyone, and the ocean is beautiful, but your experience of your fellow humans is not the same. And so, that recognition that you are all one there on Earth, and we are all one within Source may be easy to make intellectually, but the experience of it is much harder than just placing the bumper sticker on your car that says ‘We are All One.’ Living that truth means letting go of any type of separating that you have been doing in your mind. It also means letting go of all judgment. It means that you see someone else’s success as your success and someone else’s suffering as your suffering, and those are also difficult pills to swallow for a variety of reasons. But you can live your own life with that knowing and choose to feel what you are feeling so that you can better understand everyone’s experience and have more compassion. You can live an expansive, compassionate life without always focusing on the suffering in the world. Being aware of the truth that everyone’s suffering is leading to their own expansion and their own growth really helps as well, and that’s why you need to full picture of being awake to be active in your consciousness, and this is something that we strive to provide for you, and others do as well. What we have been seeing is that so many are getting it and moving forward with their expansion that we can give you this progress report, and know that so many of you are having the experience of oneness, of unity consciousness, and of the expansion of your sense of self to include more than just your physical human body, and that is real progress. That is what changes everything for humanity. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” How's Awakened Collective Doing? ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton - Source: Share keeping the credits :) Gratitude!

  • What the Orbs in Your Photos Are Doing ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

    What the Orbs in Your Photos Are Doing ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in awe of humanity once again, because you have just crossed another threshold of collective consciousness there, and you have done so by opening yourselves up to the help that you have been receiving from above. It is not through hard work that you receive. It is not through reciting the right prayer or mantra that you get what you have been asking for. It is through the acknowledgement that the help is there and then surrendering to it. When you acknowledge how much help you have all around you at all times, you become the open conduits for higher-frequency energies you were always meant to be in this lifetime. Now, one of the ways that you get to this point of being willing to open up to the energies is by creating challenges that seem to be insurmountable in your lives. Many times you do this in order to go to that last resort of asking for help, and then after asking for help, you have enough hope within you that you will receive the help in order to receive it. But that is the hard way. The easier way to receive that which is coming to you from above is to get curious about the beings. Seek to establish relationships with your guides, your galactic team, the ascended masters, the Archangels, faeries, and all of the other helpers that you have around you. People are often catching glimpses of orbs and spheres in the pictures that they take and in the videos that they make. This is wonderful because with your technology you are able to perceive something that normally only a clairvoyant would be able to perceive. Again, see these orbs and spheres as your helpers, because they are. They are higher-frequency beings, and that is why you do not see them with your physical eyes all the time. Some of you might see them out of the corner of one of your eyes at a time when you are in alignment, when you are in a higher-vibrational state. The orbs and spheres are coming to observe and to help because they too recognize what a beautiful transition you all are making there on Earth, and they also want to be a part of it. They are wanting to help without interfering, and they are doing a wonderful job of that, especially by showing up in your photographs and videos. They let you know that they are there, and they show up as these beautiful beings, which they are, and people are starting to get the idea that they are in fact surrounded by higher-frequency, higher-dimensional beings at all times. Therefore, we recommend that you take the weight of the world off of your shoulders and just open up to receive that help that is coming from above, because it is always there, and you are worthy of receiving it. If you can know that, instead of just hoping for it, that will make all the difference in the world in your lives. And please do trust us when we say that you are more than worthy of receiving all of the help that is coming to you from all the helpers from across this beautiful universe of ours. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Source: Share keeping the credits :) Gratitude!

  • The March 2023 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council.

    “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have quite a lovely transmission for you all today. We are coming through to tell you about the energies for March of 2023. This is the time for all of you to be preparing yourselves for the completion of the shift in consciousness, and we say that not because it’s going to happen tomorrow or next month or even next year. From where you are sitting right now, you would have to jump to a very different timeline in order for it to be completed in that short amount of time that we have just given you as examples. However, all of that being said, everything now is about completing the shift in consciousness for humanity, and a big component of that is letting go of third-dimensional attachments that you have picked up along the way in this life and in other lives that you have lived there on Earth. Therefore, the energies coming in for the month of March are very supportive of you making that final release of the heaviness of an attachment, and we are talking about attachment to anything at all, even having a fairy tale romance. We are talking about your attachments to having a lot of money in the bank or your attachments to being at the frontline of the consciousness evolution movement. You could have an attachment to something that is very well meaning, like wanting to heal as many people as you possibly can, whether that be physically or emotionally, and it can still be an attachment. If instead, you were holding that space for everyone who needs to be healed to receive that healing that they need, then you would not be attached to being the healer in that scenario. So you can see how that weakens the attachment that you have to that particular scenario. It is all about letting go at this point, and what you are mostly letting go of are perspectives, beliefs, identities, things that have no place in the fifth dimension. And so, they weight you down, and they keep you in a third-dimensional vibration. Now, some of you will release your attachment to a third-dimensional desire by actually manifesting that desire, and then realizing that having what you wanted is not what this journey is all about, and it never was. This journey that you are on is about raising your level of consciousness, and you will continue to be given opportunities to do that all day, every day, but you will be more supported in this upcoming month from your friends here in the higher realms who are always seeking to help you in myriad ways. This is just one of them. We know how easy it is for an attachment to be made there on Earth. We see them being born every day on your planet, and we recognize the allure of them, even to those of you who are spiritually awake. And there are many of you who are spiritually awake; there are more than there ever has been there on Earth. And one of the ways that you lead people in the consciousness evolution movement is by letting go of those attachments. And as we said earlier, even being a leader in that movement can become an attachment if you think that it has to be you. Recognize that everyone is playing their roles perfectly right now to get you to that higher level of consciousness, and you can enjoy what you are receiving from those who guide and teach you, and let that be enough for now. You will ascend, and this will be the lifetime in which you do it. Remember that, and do not think of the third dimension and all third-dimensional ways as being beneath you either. They are there to be experienced, to be enjoyed, and for you to release resistance to those that you don’t find so enjoyable. But everything that is there now in your life and on your world is there as a catalyst to get you to that higher level of consciousness, and we know that the energies being provided to you throughout the month of March are going to help enormously towards that goal. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” The March 2023 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton Source: Share keeping the credits :) Gratitude!

  • An Important Transmission From The Galactic Federation

    The key to self-love is to see the heart's desires. Listen to that call, leave comfortability and fear behind. Take a leap of faith, go the extra mile, and surrender yourself to the higher guidance and wisdom of your heart. This is the journey from 3d to 5d. An Important Transmission From The Galactic Federation Dear ones, We have come back to remind you that you are love, light, and free to be who you truly are-a child of light. This is the Divine love frequency-it is a frequency through which you can connect with us in the fifth dimension, and when you are on this frequency, you feel the sense of being loved, belonging, and unconditionally accepted. This is how you can love someone without expecting something in return and still feel empowered because you gave from your heart. Divine Love means feeling pure happiness. You let everything go. Everything that was negative disappeared. You feel full of your own love, your purity, your power, and your feelings of joy. Allow these feelings to thrive within you, regardless of the outside events. The Universe is an ocean of Love. Love is the most powerful source of energy in the universe. We're dedicated to helping you tap into this energy so you can elevate your love to its fullest and highest self. You have the ability to experience love on a much deeper level and take the next step in your awakening process. So take the steps needed to make this energy a regular part of your life. Love is like breathing. Neither can be forced. Both are important in life. First, love yourself, love those around you, and be the best that you can be. Let others love you. Put your hands on your heart and speak to yourself. Say things like, I love you, you are beautiful, you are worthy, you are whole, and you are perfect to yourself. It is the best gift for you to transform into your higher self and awaken your inner world of limitless potential. It is the only strategy that works. If you have trouble loving yourself, you will unconsciously sabotage your encounters with others because deep down you hold the false belief that you are not worthy of being loved by others. Every person deserves to love themself and to receive love from others. If you don’t believe that you are worthy of love, then no one else will either. Love yourself, and you’ll be able to share your love with others. This is what makes life worth living. Take a look in the mirror and realize the person you see is your best friend and closest ally. The one who was there from the start and will be untill the last scene, your companion through all your ups and downs. The reflection in the mirror finally deserves to be acknowledged and loved. But self-love does not mean egotistical pride. The key to self-love is to see the heart's desires. Listen to that call, leave comfortability and fear behind. Take a leap of faith, go the extra mile, and surrender yourself (that what you think yourself is aka your ego) to the higher guidance and wisdom of your heart. The ego must surrender in order for love to occur. You cannot hold both of these frequencies in your body. They are incompatible. Love is god-creator power. One holds light, the other darkness but darkness fades away on its own as light arrives. Loving yourself means to accepting, respecting, and forgiving yourself. It means that you will pursue that which frees your spirit and brings joy to your being. It is the sacred journey you are currently on. And one day, love pervades your whole being. Then there comes music, a frequency alignment, and harmony with the universe. You tune in to divine love, and you immediately shift from a 3D to a 5D reality. Love attracts love. You hadn't anticipated it. It just occurred by itself. It's a byproduct of love. But you must first begin with yourself. You must love yourself. How do you go about doing it? Nobody can teach it to you. There is no need to go anywhere in order to learn it. All you have to do now is go inside. The first thing you should do is shift your focus from your brain to your heart, from thinking to feeling. When you are feeling deeply, your whole energy flows towards your heart. You will attain inner peace if you understand how to go from thinking to feeling. However, for many individuals, thinking becomes an uncontrollable activity. Their minds are not under their control. Their minds are so full of thoughts. They consume all their energy by producing thoughts. Once you learn to go from thinking to feeling, you move into another realm. Your entire life changes. You will be filled with fresh energy. Try simple activities. When you get up in the morning, immediately don’t think about your project and your client's concerns. Try to feel. Feel your body. The wind is coming in and touching you. Just feel that chill. A bird is singing. Use your senses and experience them. Walk with bare feet to the garden. Feel the grass underneath your toes. Look at the flowers. Feel the fragrance radiating from them. But don’t instantly say, "it is beautiful". Then the mind enters. Don’t put your thoughts into this wonderful experience-it will pull you towards a third-dimensional frequency. Don’t think about it. Just feel it. Enjoy it, allow it, and flow with it. When taking a bath, feel the water drops touching on you. While having your food, shut down all other distractions and experience fully the flavor of the food. For many people, it will be tough in the beginning. It is because of their minds, which have been indoctrinated into logical thinking only. For this exercise, they may select one action at the beginning. For example, taking a bath may be done with complete awareness, with entire feelings. Fully focus on the now here moment and the many sensations of simple things we mostly perform robotic following a routine and usually do not pay any attention to. Once you grasp it, this awareness may be transferred to another activity. Slowly, this awareness may be introduced to every action. Then your whole life will be filled with awareness and divine love will permeate your whole being. You will enter into the fifth dimension of living fully in God's light. You will have an abundant, joyful, and blissful life. Whatever you do, wherever you go, you will be in love with life. You will smile all the time, feeling that every day is a gift! We love you dearly. We are here with you. We are your family of light. A'HO Aurora Ray Canal: Aurora Ray/Ambassador of the Galactic Federation Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. Fonte: Tradução: Miriam Miranda/Pazaa Espaço de Criar

  • The Galactic Federation Is Removing The Dark Forces

    "Greetings beloved beings of Gaia, We've got a fresh message for the entire planet! The light is getting stronger and stronger and more of us are coming to help you. We will not stop until the veil is completely lifted. Darkness has already lost its grip on this planet! The darkness is nearly gone, only the shadows remain on the corpses of their failed attempts. Their time is ending. On earth, the people who are still living in illusions have no idea about their rights and they work hard for the dark forces. They have unconsciously become the agents of the matrix. Many of them are so busy with their lives that they don’t have time to take a step back, observe things more clearly, and try to understand what is really happening here on this planet right now. Some of them have to work just to pay the bills, while others spend hours at their workplace trying to boost their career, but only to find that they are reaching nowhere. There are wealthy people who spend hours in front of the TV or on their mobile phones, while there are others who work hard for 8-12 hours every day, but still don’t seem to make ends meet. In the world that you live in, you have to accept that everything is controlled by those who have manipulated the truth from those living within this illusion. The problem is, those who are running your reality have a lot of money and power. This makes it a lot harder for those who want to expose the truth to do so. But when you start looking into that, you will come to the conclusion that this is not the true reality. It is just a virtual reality, where everything you believe is what creates the outcome in your life. So far, this fake reality is created by the dark forces who are manipulating your brain waves to keep you under their control. You are living in a 3D human world. You have been trapped in this virtual reality for a long time. The Dark Forces work through Psychological Manipulation through the media, financial and political systems. Their aim is to keep you in a vibrational match with the low-level energies of fear, uncertainty, and distrust (where they thrive.) There is no easier way to do this than to make you resonate at the same vibrational rate they operate at. You have to understand this very clearly. Inner darkness attracts outer darkness. It is impossible for a person walking in inner darkness to have things going well in his life. The darkness that they spread around them only comes back with a vengeance to bit their tail. Yet, most people with inner darkness don’t want to learn this rule of life because then they would have to admit their own responsibility for what is going wrong in their lives. The truth is, they have given consent to the dark forces to hypnotize them and to plant their misconceptions in their minds. Despite the daunting challenges, be they economic problems or dirty tricks played by dark forces, you are able to keep your head above water. We congratulate you on this. This is an indication that the light forces' operations and support are reaching you. The Light forces are removing the last obstacles on the road to ascension. The darkness is trying to stop it with every dirty trick in their book, but they are not able to stop it anymore. Today, a great change in vibration is taking place on your planet. You have made a quantum leap in consciousness by transcending fear vibrations. Now you have entered a higher level of being where you can use your awareness for what is needed at this time on this planet. A New Earth is being created. It is being created by you, by us, by our collective consciousness. We are creating it at the present moment. The dark force’s plan to control the masses through fear and intimidation is not working anymore. The new energy that is being beamed into Gaia is causing major changes in all of her inhabitants. Those that are ready are getting ready for Ascension. It is now time to complete the process of leaving duality behind. We are here to support you on your journey of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-empowerment. We are here to remind you that there is no one else like you in this whole universe. You are unique and powerful, and your energy vibration is so high that it can heal the Earth and the Universe. It is a time of celebration, a time of new beginnings, a time of growth! We love you dearly. We are here with you. We are your family of light. A'HO Aurora Ray Ambassador of the Galactic Federation" Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved. Source:

  • A Galactic Federation Message For Humanity

    Greetings, loving ones! Yesterday I got a new transmission from our Galactic Federation. This message brought me a lot of joy and confidence. I'm hoping you'll get a sense of it as you read. I'm delighted to be able to share it with you: "Dear Earthlings, We of the Galactic Federation are here to help, to assist you and your planet Earth in the best way we can. We are aware that there are many of you who are still in shock as to what is taking place around you, but as soon as you can all see that we are real, we will help you in any way possible. Many of you are having dreams of strange aircraft, lights in the sky, and so on. They are our crafts, and they will not harm you. They are here to assist the people who need assistance. We have been working on your DNA for some time now, and there are many changes taking place in your body. You will notice a lack of fatigue, much more strength, and stamina than before, as well as clearer thinking. This is just the beginning of a whole new existence for many of you on this planet Earth. Your society will change drastically over the next few months, and we ask that you try to understand that these changes have been necessary from our point of view. Your solar system is under intense attack and manipulation by dark forces that have been in control for far too long. The Light Forces are now in a position to take back control of your solar system. In the coming months, you will see a series of major events taking place, which will be the initial steps towards liberation. These events might include some very surprising and shocking revelations about people who have been in power for a long time, as well as major and unexpected changes in your society. The day of our existence being revealed is rapidly approaching. At this point, it will be revealed that various alien races are visiting Earth. Some of them have been working with the United States and many other countries, helping to advance their space programs. The public will learn that an alien presence has been around for a long, long time. Your physical reality is about to undergo a massive cleansing process so that light can be brought back to the surface of your planet. This cleansing process has already started and will continue throughout the year 2023. You are entering the last phase of an epic battle between Light and Dark. The outcome of this battle will shape your future for a very long time to come. Your choices on this planet are now more important than they have ever been before. This is the first time in nearly 26,000 years that your solar system has been graced by such a high number of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR). Your planet is receiving a daily average GCR dose of 60 greys. This is the highest radiation dose rate ever recorded in the history of your planet. Another important thing we would like to mention is that you are now the owners of all your solar systems. Together with the Galactic Federation, you are managing and administering your solar system. We have been given clear instructions to remove any remaining dark forces from the planets in your solar system, as they no longer have any authority in your system. The Special Forces of the Galactic Federation are working in your solar system. They are creating a barrier around your planet to stop dark forces from escaping. The barrier is not physical, but it is a high-frequency energetic field that dark forces cannot penetrate. From this moment on, you are responsible for everything that happens within your solar system. We are ready to help you if needed. Let us clarify this in a different way, for it is very important. We are not talking about the end of the world, nor do we want to give you the idea that the world will end tomorrow, but we do want to help you understand what is happening in your world today and what will happen in the future. There is nothing new under the sun, and nothing will be able to shake your ground because you are now becoming aware of what everyone else on your planet has experienced. You are moving into a new phase of consciousness, and with it comes great responsibility. This is the time of great purification, which will bring you an enormous acceleration in your evolution process. This great purification can sometimes be accompanied by many unpleasant experiences. In these moments, remember that you are one of the first to experience this acceleration and purification process. You are pioneers that have agreed with your soul, before coming into this life, to have very intense experiences in order to help others through your example. If you stay calm and bravely face these situations, you will be giving an example to those who will follow you in the next cycles of evolution. " We love you dearly. We are here with you. We are your family of light. A'HO Aurora Ray Ambassador of the Galactic Federation Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved. Source: name=Id&utm_source=Actionetics&utm_term=Email ❤️ PLEASE SHARE ❤️

  • Good News for Starseeds

    The Energies & Portal of 2-22-23 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have some very good news for all of you. As of this moment, the 2-22 portal is open and the energies have already begun pouring through it. We know that you all put yourselves in a space of greater expectation to receive during these times, and it is that expectation that has created the opportunity for the February 22nd portal. Now, what the energies are about is determined by those of us who are offering you energetic support, as we must determine through our observations you most are in need of at any particular time. And so, we have determined that the energies coming from our system will be about helping you to attract more of your soul family to you in this lifetime. This will be a time when more of those members of your tribe can show up in your space to co-create with you and to remind you that you are not alone there on this journey of ascension. Now, others from other parts of the galaxy will be sending you different energies to support different goals for all of you. And so, the wide array of energies available to you right now, and that will continue to come in, is much more varied than what we are giving you right now. We are telling you about our contribution, because we have met with so many of you who feel like you are living lives of isolation, of not being connected. And we also understand that many of you who are awake are surrounded by those who are not, even if they are humans that you want to connect with. Therefore, the soul families coming together in the physical is a big part of taking you to the next step on your journey of ascension there as a collective. Those of you who are there to do the work of the ground crew need to feel more grounded. You need to have experiences of connection, and you need that support and that stability that the soul family members will provide you with when they show up in your lives. Now, you might be wondering at this point what your role is in making these connections. All you have to do is be yourself, continue to live your life, follow your bliss, and you will find yourselves coming into contact with these other humans that you have long histories with throughout the galaxy and universe and all the dimensions within the universe. Therefore, now is a good time to get excited, to expect good things and good people to come into your space, and it is a good time for you to relax as well, as these energies are not about you having to clear something or work on something. They are about bringing you together with your soul family, your tribe, those with whom you are going to feel more at home. And those of you who are awake have been doing a tremendous amount of asking for this experience. Therefore, we are very happy to be able to give you this announcement, very happy indeed. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” Fonte: I AM Miriam Miranda Art therapist 💳 AARJ 927/0219 Multidimensional Quantum Therapist 💳 CRTH-BR 10249 ABRATH Online and Face-to-Face Service 📍Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil.

  • Self-sabotage, what is it?

    “God takes you from one feeling to another. And he teaches you through opposites so that you have two wings to fly. Not one! Rumi – quoted in the book Alchemical Psychology, Dr. Thom F. Cavalli. Self-awareness is the key to detecting the source of self-sabotage. The symptoms are in your life, but the roots are deeper. Self-sabotage is a major impediment to personal and professional achievement. It consists of an unconscious command for what we consciously plan not to work out or not to happen. Explaining better, low vibration information, beliefs or feelings stored in the subconscious mind generate a type of contrary and imperceptible reaction to stop or annul our will, planning or action. Feelings of inferiority, guilt, trauma and several other feelings that are inconsistent with our innate power can be responsible for low financial income, low quality of life and, consequently, physical illnesses. When we give up fighting, we become prisoners of depressive or anxious emotional states, we isolate ourselves, we become antisocial and experience loneliness and see ourselves with no way out. In the midst of the whirlwind of negative thoughts we wonder where we are going wrong and WHY things don't work out. In Art Therapy we consider the middle path as the path of individuation, postulated by Carl Gustav Jung, the father of analytical psychology. The art therapist's job is to help the client find their way and experience the process smoothly. Through exercises and ludic dynamics, the client becomes familiar with the psychic contents that emerge from the unconscious with each personal expression, whether through plastic or visual arts, music, creative writing, theater, and various other techniques, materials and artistic languages used to facilitate contact with the information contained in the client's dormant, but active, memory. But expression is not enough. It is necessary that the client increases the perception of himself, committing himself to the whole process in a visceral way. As he integrates the opposites, he begins to gain autonomy to make choices that are more coherent with his internal reality. Which opposites? Fear and love, anger and compassion, sadness and joy, insecurity and courage, etc. That is, as you integrate ego and essence, you begin to manage your own life with more firmness and determination, increasing your personal power and lucidity to live with more harmony and emotional health. While we don't find the balance of opposites, we are at the mercy of our emotions, almost always destabilized, incongruous with our inner truth and we become self-sabotaging due to lack of self-perception. Art therapy helps to walk, then we can even fly. Namaste :) Miriam Miranda Art therapist 💳 AARJ 927/0219 Multidimensional Quantum Therapist 💳 CRTH-BR 10249 ABRATH Online and Face-to-Face Service 📍Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil.

  • The Blind and the Elephant

    This story talks about some very common everyday situations. One of them is the lack of empathy for the other's opinion, a kind of ego protection that considers itself to be in danger when it is contradicted. We can also think about the lack of attention and respect for the opinion and experience of others, since understanding is conditioned to the experience of each one and not just to technical or scientific knowledge. The Blind Men and the Elephant is a parable from India that has been adapted by many religions and published in various stories for adults and children. It is about a group of blind men who attempt to learn what an elephant is, each touching a different part, and disagreeing on their findings. Their collective wisdom leads to the truth. The Blind and the Elephant In a city in India lived seven blind wise men. As their advice was always excellent, everyone who had problems resorted to their help. Although they were friends, there was a certain rivalry between them that, from time to time, they argued about which one would be wiser. One night, after much talking about the truth of life and not reaching an agreement, the seventh sage became so bored that he decided to go and live alone in a mountain cave. He said to his companions: “We are blind so that we can hear and understand the truth of life better than other people. And instead of advising those in need, you stand there arguing like you want to win a competition. I can not take it anymore! I'm going away." The next day, a merchant riding on a huge elephant arrived in the city.The blind had never touched this animal and ran out into the street to meet him. The first sage felt the animal's belly and declared: - "It is a gigantic and very strong being!I can touch your muscles and they don't move: they feel like walls." "What nonsense!"- said the second sage, touching the tusk of the elephant - "This animal is pointed like a spear, a weapon of war. He looks like a saber-toothed tiger!" "Both are wrong" - retorted the third sage, who felt the elephant's trunk - "This animal is identical to a serpent! But it doesn't bite, because it doesn't have teeth in its mouth. It is a meek and soft snake." "You guys are totally hallucinating!"- shouted the fifth sage, who moved the elephant's ears - "This animal doesn't look like any other. It's movements are undulating, as if it's body was a huge walking curtain!" "Check it out! All of you, but all of you, are dead wrong!"– irritated the sixth sage, touching the elephant's small tail – "This animal is like a rock with a string attached to its body.I can even hang on to it." And so they spent hours debating, screaming, the six wise men. Until the seventh blind sage, the one who now inhabited the mountain, appeared led by a child. Hearing the discussion, he asked the boy to draw the figure of the elephant on the ground. When he felt the contours of the drawing, he realized that all the sages were right and wrong at the same time. He thanked the boy and said: “This is how men behave in the face of truth. They just take a part, think it's the whole, and they're still fools!" To think! Did you like it? Comment down here ;) Gratitude for the presence! Miriam Miranda Art therapist 💳 AARJ 927/0219 Multidimensional Quantum Therapist 💳 CRTH-BR 10249 ABRATH Online and Face-to-Face Service 📍Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brazil.

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