Miriam Miranda
A PAZAA Space to create - CNPJ 68.682.608/0001-87 is a holistic company registered with ABRATH under number CJAH-BR 10250.
We are a studio specialized in Art, Art Therapy, Meditation, Transpersonal and Transcendental Therapies, Sacred Geometry, Arcturian Multidimensional Healing System, online courses and workshops, individual and group activities, driven by
Visual Artist, Transpersonal Art Therapist and Holistic Therapist Miriam Miranda.
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PAZAA Espaço de Criar | Miriam Miranda Arteterapeuta Quântica Multidimensional
Meet Art Therapy!
In the e-book Contos, Fantasias e Arteterapia, Miriam Miranda explains how this self-knowledge technique can change your life.
The author presents a guide for you to understand how Art Therapy happens in the practice of the art therapy studio.
Miriam Miranda is a Visual Artist, Transpersonal Art Therapist, Holistic Therapist and Director of Pazaa Espaço de Escolha.