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  • Para Que Meditar | Portal Paz Amor e Arte | Pazaa Espaço de Criar

    Início Portal Paz Amor & Arte Mais Login ou Registre-se Série - Para Que Meditar? Aprenda a meditar em silêncio e descubra os benefícios dessa prática. Conteúdo: 6 vídeos Duração total: Grátis ​ Compartilhe com quem você gosta ;) Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Now Playing 08:38 Play Video Now Playing 07:13 Play Video Now Playing 08:10 Play Video Now Playing 07:22 Play Video Now Playing 07:44 Play Video Now Playing 04:16 Play Video Todos os direitos reservados à PAZAA ESPAÇO DE CRIAR ©2012 Desenvolvido por CD Estúdio de Criação

  • Para Que Meditar | Portal Paz Amor e Arte | Pazaa Espaço de Criar

    Início Portal Paz Amor & Arte Mais Login ou Registre-se Meditação Anti Ansiedade Melhora seu estado emocional e ajuda você reconhecer sua força interior. Conteúdo: 1 vídeos Duração: 00:14:20 Grátis ​ Compartilhe com quem você gosta ;) Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Todos os direitos reservados à PAZAA ESPAÇO DE CRIAR ©2012 Desenvolvido por CD Estúdio de Criação

  • Para Que Meditar | Portal Paz Amor e Arte | Pazaa Espaço de Criar

    Início Portal Paz Amor & Arte Mais Login ou Registre-se Série - Para Que Meditar? Aprenda a meditar em silêncio e descubra os benefícios dessa prática. Conteúdo: 6 vídeos Grátis ​ Compartilhe com quem você gosta ;) Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Todos os direitos reservados à PAZAA ESPAÇO DE CRIAR ©2012 Desenvolvido por CD Estúdio de Criação

  • Portal Paz Amor e Arte | Pazaa Espaço de Criar | Mirianm Miranda

    Início Portal Paz Amor & Arte Mais Login ou Registre-se Portal Paz Amor & Arte TREINAMENTO PARA A ASCENSÃO Seja membro da PAZAA e acesse aulas, vivências, meditações, ativações e muito mais. Inscreva-se no PORTAL, abra sua mente e prepare-se para sua ascensão! Inscreva-se no Portal Meditação Guiada Entenda a meditação silenciosa. Duração:... GRÁTIS Praticar Reprograme sua mente para viver no momento presente. Duração:... GRÁTIS Praticar Encontre e reempodere sua Criança Interior. Duração:... GRÁTIS Praticar Aprendendo a amar a si próprio. Duração:... GRÁTIS Praticar Um momento de cuidado e acolhimento. Duração:... GRÁTIS Praticar Meditações Template Praticar Seja membro do Portal Paz Amor & Arte! Portal de Treinamento para Sua Ascensão Como membro você terá acesso aos conteúdos gratuitos do Portal e poderá rever aulas, meditar, fazer ativações quantas vezes desejar, sem interrupções e no espaço reservado para membros. Registre-se gratuitamente agora e comece seu treinamento para a ascensão! Inscreva-se no Portal Quero ser Membro do Portal Todos os direitos reservados à PAZAA ESPAÇO DE CRIAR ©2012 Desenvolvido por CD Estúdio de Criação

  • PAZAA Espaço de Criar | Miriam Miranda Arteterapeuta Quântica Multidimensional

    AULAS GRATUITAS ACESSE AQUI AULAS GRATUITAS ACESSE AQUI AULAS GRATUITAS ACESSE AQUI Therapies integrals Most Portal Virtual Most groups Therapeutics Most Art therapy, for me, was one of the best things that happened to me. One of them in terms of health, in addition to the pain in my body, the healing of an ulcer that had been tormenting me for over ten years. It also helped me to better understand people and even my family members, to react when I don't like a situation and most importantly, I stopped apologizing. Maria Dalva ASCENSION First Contact: The Celestial Meeting with the Visitors from Beyond While the media continues to cover stories of UFOs and extraterrestrials, it is important that we look at what is happening in a more spirit ASCENSION A Breakthrough Message From The Galactic Federation The time for this event has been chosen carefully by our cosmic planners, as it is shortly after the end of this year's solar maximum cycle PAZAA Space to Create Miriam Miranda A PAZAA Space to create - CNPJ 68.682.608/0001-87 is a holistic company registered with ABRATH under number CJAH-BR 10250. We are a studio specialized in Art, Art Therapy, Meditation, Transpersonal and Transcendental Therapies, Sacred Geometry, Arcturian Multidimensional Healing System, online courses and workshops, individual and group activities, driven by Visual Artist, Transpersonal Art Therapist and Holistic Therapist Miriam Miranda. Most Leia no Blog da Pazaa PAZAA Espaço de Criar | Miriam Miranda Arteterapeuta Quântica Multidimensional Jun 22, 2023 ASCENSION First Contact: The Celestial Meeting with the Visitors from Beyond While the media continues to cover stories of UFOs and extraterrestrials, it is important that we look at what is happening in a more spirit Mar 31, 2023 ASCENSION A Breakthrough Message From The Galactic Federation The time for this event has been chosen carefully by our cosmic planners, as it is shortly after the end of this year's solar maximum cycle Mar 30, 2023 ARCTURIAN How to Find Your Way to Be of Service to Many ∞The 9D Arcturian Council We are all headed home to Source, and sometimes some of us get a little lost along the way. Mar 27, 2023 ARCTURIAN How's Awakened Collective Doing? ∞9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton How's Awakened Collective Doing? ∞9D Arcturian Council - And we just want you all to know that you are affecting those who are yet to awaken Mar 24, 2023 ARCTURIAN What the Orbs in Your Photos Are Doing ∞The 9D Arcturian Council We are in awe of humanity once again, because you have just crossed another threshold of collective consciousness there, and you have done.. Mar 23, 2023 ARCTURIAN The March 2023 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council. This is the time for all of you to prepare for the completion of the shift in consciousness. It's time to let go of 3D attachments. E-book Meet Art Therapy! In the e-book Contos, Fantasias e Arteterapia, Miriam Miranda explains how this self-knowledge technique can change your life. The author presents a guide for you to understand how Art Therapy happens in the practice of the art therapy studio. Miriam Miranda is a Visual Artist, Transpersonal Art Therapist, Holistic Therapist and Director of Pazaa Espaço de Escolha. Purchase

  • Live Video | Pazaa EspaçodeCriar

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  • Ilumine-se | Pazaa Espaço de Criar

    Ilumine-se TREINAMENTO PARA A ASCENSÃO Seja membro da PAZAA e acesse as aulas, vivências, meditações, ativações e muito mais. Inscreva-se no Ilumine-se, abra sua mente e prepare-se para sua ascensão! Inscreva-se no Portal

  • MEDITAÇÕES | Pazaa Espaço de Criar | Miriam Miranda Arteterapeuta Quântica Multidimensional | Prepare-se para a Ascenção

    Hi! IT IS A GREAT JOY TO HAVE YOU HERE AT THE PORTAL PAZ AMOR & ARTE! Here, I propose an encounter with the energy of consciential evolution through art and self-knowledge. Here, I share the knowledge I acquired and always acquire because I am in the learning process. Here, I fuel myself with the energy of sharing Joy and Love to all who wish. Here, I hone my desire to serve the Whole. It's done, it's done, it's done! Gratitude. Subscribe to the Portal Self-knowledge through meditations to promote the expansion of consciousness. Personal and professional development with Quantum Psychotherapy. SÉRIE CURA QUÂNTICA SÉRIE VISUALIZAÇÕES DE CURA QUÂNTICA SÉRIE MEDITAÇÕES GUIADAS PARA AUTOCURA SÉRIE MEDITAÇÃO GUIADA SÉRIE ATENÇÃO PLENA SÉRIE ATENÇÃO PLENA Separamos uma playlist de músicas para meditação para você se aprimorar mais nessa técnica. Conheça nossas terapias Arteterapia Quântica Transpessoal - Sessão On-line Quero conhecer Sistema Arcturiano de Cura Multidimensional - Sessão On-line Quero conhecer Sistema Integrado Arcturiano - SIA - Sessão On-line Quero conhecer Terapia Holística S.O.S. Sessão On-line Quero conhecer Vivências de Poder Pessoal em Grupo On-line Quero conhecer

  • SIA | SISTEMA INTEGRADO ARCTURIANO | Pazaa Espaço de Criar | Miriam Miranda Arteterapeuta Quântica Multidimensional | Prepare-se para a Ascenção

    1/6 SISTEMA INTEGRADO ARCTURIANO SESSÃO DO SIA - SISTEMA INTEGRADO ARCTURIANO O que é? O método SIA é uma técnica terapêutica multidisciplinar desenvolvida pelo Terapeuta Renan Capeluppi, através da integração da técnica conhecida como Sistema Arcturiano de Cura Multidimensional, canalizada pelo Psicoterapeuta Clarindo Melchizedek, somada à cirurgia etérica/energética feita com a utilização de cristais, aromas, mantralizações, e várias outras técnicas vibracionais utilizadas durante a sessão, para remover energias densificadas e ancorar energias de alta frequência encaminhadas pelos Arcturianos para equilibrar seu campo energético. O método SIA permite reestruturar todos os padrões indesejáveis atuando diretamente no nosso DNA energético, facilitando a remoção de chips, implantes, fazendo quebra de contratos, restaurando o equilíbrio emocional e mental entre vários outros benefícios. Benefícios do tratamento com o Sistema Integrado Arcturiano: Desenvolve o perdão interior; Promove a cura da criança interior; Aceleração o processo de ascensão pessoal; Desbloqueia a conexão com as hierarquias superiores da Luz; Promove equilíbrio energético; Aumenta a frequência energética; Trabalha proteção e limpeza de aura e de ambientes; Remove bloqueios energéticos impostos e autoimpostos; Reativa o DNA cósmico; Realinha chakras, nadis e meridianos; Facilita reconexão com Eu Superior e guias espirituais; Trata traumas psicológicos nos corpos mentais e emocionais; Reconecta com a criança interior; Equilibra energia yin/yang; Promove o despertar consciencial; Desenvolve o Terceiro Olho; Prepara para a ascensão; Para quem é o SIA? Para você que perdeu a alegria de viver; Para você que busca expansão de consciência; Para você que quer cocriar uma nova realidade; Para você que está se sentindo deprimido ou ansioso; Para você que sente culpa; Para você que busca clareza, entendimento e confiança; Para você que quer expandir sua consciência. Como será? A sessão é feita através de vídeo chamada em celular ou computador com áudio e câmera, no aplicativo Telegram, e tem duração aproximada de 1h50. O cliente deverá estar em local silencioso, confortável e onde não seja interrompido. Poderá ficar sentado ou deitado. É solicitado que seja feita uma preparação de 48 horas antes da sessão, a fim de sutilizar o seu campo eletromagnético (enviamos as recomendações após o agendamento). No final da sessão você ganha uma Geometria Sagrada para se auto aplicar e recomendações de técnicas para complementar as iniciadas durante a sessão. Técnicas: Sistema Arcturiano de Cura Multidimensional; Cirurgia etérica/energética com cristais; Geometria Sagrada; Meditações; Mantras; Aromaterapia; Frequências sonoras com música e instrumentos. ON-LINE, em sessões individuais AO VIVO Duração: 1h50 minutos com agendamento prévio (Antes de comprar a sessão, consulte-me pelo chat ou pelo Telegram para ver a disponibilidade da agenda) ​ ​ O trabalho pessoal é fundamental para a consolidação e continuidade dos benefícios alcançados. Suas células serão abastecidas com energia vital, aumentando sua frequência vibracional e recarregando as baterias para saúde e estados emocionais mais motivados e tranquilos. Sessão Sistema Integrado Arcturiano On-line 1h50 Quero agendar

  • MIRIAM MIRANDA | Pazaa Espaço de Criar | Miriam Miranda Arteterapeuta Quântica Multidimensional | Prepare-se para a Ascenção

    Miriam Miranda Visual Artist, Scenographer 💳 DTR - 16.450/2007 Art therapist 💳 AARJ 927/0219 Holistic, Quantum and Multidimensional Therapist 💳 CRTH-BR 10249 ABRATH ​ ​ Academic education Postgraduate Lato Sensu in Art Therapy - Pomar/FAVI(2016 –2018); Bachelor of Performing Arts – Scenography - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (2003 - 2006); Bachelor of Performing Arts – Clothing - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (2003 to 2007 - incomplete); Architecture and Urbanism - Fluminense Federal University - UFF (1978 to 1983 - incomplete). Other Specializations Arcturian Integrated System Course - Tetha Level - Renan Capeluppi (2022); Course The True Power of Crystals - Fernanda Figueiredo (2022); Course The Power of Sacred Geometry - Renan Capeluppi (2022); Arcturian System of Multidimensional Healing - Master's - Marcia Lopes and Clarindo Melchizedek (2021); Sacred Geometry Course – Awakens Light Portal – Vanessa Majczak (2021); 5D QUANTUM Therapist Course – Continuous Knowledge of the Being – Cristiane Frutuoso (2021); Holistic Therapist Course - Continuous Knowledge of the Being - Cristiane Frutuoso (2021); Quantum Therapist Course - Continuous Knowledge of the Being - Cristiane Frutuoso (2020); Marketing Course for Psychologists – Bruno Rodrigues (2020); SoulCollage® Introductory Course - Facilitator Monica Iaromila (2019); Practical Course of the 12 Steps through Art Therapy – Ateliê do Self – Paulo Antunes (2018); Harmonic Resonance Course - Hélio Couto (in progress since 2012); Course How to Sell More and Better - EAD SEBRAE (2010); Financial Analysis and Planning Course – EAD SEBRAE (2009); Painting Course I – João Magalhães - Parque Lage School of Visual Arts (2003); Course From Observation to Expression – Orlando Mollica - Parque Lage School of Visual Arts (2002); Course Starting a Small Big Business – EAD SEBRAE (2002); Management and Business Leadership Course – ACIA/ BRANCH SEBRAE Cabo Frio (1996). ​ Participation in several webinars on quantum mechanics, NLP and metaphysical techniques, always looking for constant updates. "Art is a form of expression that speaks to the soul, from the soul to other souls. At Free Art, we talk to ourselves. Inexhaustible subjects" Miriam Miranda. Create Space PAZAA PAZAA Espaço de Escolha is a workshop specialized in Personal and Professional Development that offers Creative Courses and Workshops,art therapy , Integral Therapies and Consciousness Expansion Techniques with a focus on Personal and Professional Development. Directed by Miriam Miranda, Visual Artist, Therapist, Consciential Mentor and Emotional Educator, PAZAA is located in Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil. ​ ​ OUR SERVICES Clinic: Individual assistance (face-to-face and online) Transpersonal Art Therapy Quantum Therapy Meditation Arcturian Multidimensional Healing ​ Group Therapeutic Experiences (online)​ Art therapy Quantum Therapy Meditation Professional Development Circles of conversation Consciousness Expansion Techniques ​ For Business: Lectures Creative Workshops Artistic and Motivational Workshops For Members (register for free): Virtual Portal Guided Meditation Quantum Reprogramming Mindfulness Exercises - Mindfulness SOBRE PAZAA AGENDE SUA SESSÃO INDIVIDUAL Arteterapia Quântica Transpessoal - Sessão On-line Quero conhecer Sistema Arcturiano de Cura Multidimensional - Sessão On-line Quero conhecer Sistema Integrado Arcturiano - SIA - Sessão On-line Quero conhecer Terapia Holística S.O.S. Sessão On-line Quero conhecer Vivências de Poder Pessoal em Grupo On-line Quero conhecer AARJ 927/0219 ACCREDITED ART THERAPIST CRTH-BR 10249 CJAH-BR 10250 ARTETERAPIA art therapy What do you know about? To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. ”Art is the purest expression there is for demonstrating the unconscious of each one. It is freedom of expression, it is sensitivity, creativity, it is life.” (JUNG) Art Therapy is an Integrative Health Practice that develops self-esteem through the search for oneself. Using artistic techniques in expressive activities based on concepts of Analytical Psychology, it collaborates with personal development in a playful way, making the process of self-discovery a smooth and pleasant path. ​ The objective is to stimulate well-being and emotional balance with a deep investigation into the conscience that will provide self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the first step towards understanding ourselves as creative and emotional living beings. By understanding ourselves, we can make choices more easily and change what we don't like, thus achieving a fuller and more harmonious life. E-book Understand Art Therapy! In the e-book Contos, Fantasias e Arteterapia, Miriam Miranda explains how this self-knowledge technique can change your life. The author presents a guide for you to understand how Art Therapy happens in the practice of the art therapy studio. Purchase Making art in free form connects unconscious psychic contents with the conscious, elucidating ancestral, personal and collective memories, which will strengthen and structure the Being in its entirety. In this way, pure art acts as a psychopomp, a messenger that can elevate the Being to transcendence, insofar as it promotes an encounter with the Archetype of the Divine Child. The closer the Being is to the Child Archetype, our Essence, the more potentiated is his personal power that makes him balanced, helping him to transcend pain, moral and psychological disturbances, transforming him into a co-creator of his own life in growing fullness. ​ When in a group, Art Therapy creates a sense of belonging and welcomes the individual in a playful way. TERAPIAS VIBRACIONAIS Vibrational Therapies Despite being in greater evidence today here in the West, vibrational therapies are not new. They are millenary holistic practices that, with the support of scientific research, have strengthened and are gaining more and more followers around the world. Also known as integral therapies, they are today the fastest growing health treatment alternative in the world. Transpersonal and transcendental therapeutic practices aim at the integral health of the human being by promoting the balance of the various bodies: mental, emotional, energetic and physical, considering their imbalances as responsible for the primary cause of health problems. Thus, in holistic work, the human being is not just a physical body and is treated in an integral way. Holism, from the Greek holos (whole), is the idea that the properties of a system, whether human beings or other organisms, cannot be explained just by the sum of its components or parts . The system as a whole determines how its parts behave. ​ For philosophers and other scholars, holism or the holistic view, or even systems theory, is a way of seeing the world where human beings and the Universe form a single complete entity and closely associated, whose properties cannot be reduced to the properties of the parts, and whose properties are destroyed when the system is eventually fragmented. ​ How Vibrational Therapies work in health? Modern Physics proves that we live in an energetic space where everything vibrates, including us. The human body is surrounded by an energy field that protects it by acting as an envelope of light. When we get sick, this energy field retracts and its light decreases, acquiring dark tones. The mind and emotions are the main factors that determine the disharmony of this energy field, but the environment can also exert influence. This Vital or Vibrational Field is constantly changing and may present temporary or permanent imbalances. When energy imbalances remain for a long time, the body becomes ill. The Vital Field can be considered as the energetic matrix that develops and keeps the physical body healthy. Vibrational therapies act in this field, restoring it, cleaning it, strengthening it and protecting it from harmful energetic influences. This is one of the reasons, too, for frequent preventive treatment with Reiki, quantum healing therapies and one of the many holistic therapies out there. We can control the basic health of our body if we take care of this energetic sphere. Vibrational therapies seek to detect the source of disharmony in the energy field by treating the mental, emotional and energetic causes that cause it. Following the steps of self-knowledge, awareness of the origin of imbalances and using specific tools and techniques for each situation presented, they rebalance the Human Being system, so that the whole works in a full and harmonious way. Vibrational Therapies are indicated for all people who seek personal development, who want to improve their understanding of themselves and life, and need to change some energetic, emotional or even mental pattern that is interfering with their physical life, altering social standards, their well-being and their quality of life. ​ You can also enjoy the emotional well-being that Art Therapy and Vibrational Therapies promote :) See our activities on blog from Pazaa Space to Create. ​ Want to receive information and news from Pazaa? Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER at the bottom of the page. ​ Discover the meditations of Virtual Portal , register asMEMBER from Pazaa. Read on the Blog ASCENSION First Contact: The Celestial Meeting with the Visitors from Beyond ASCENSION A Breakthrough Message From The Galactic Federation ARCTURIAN How to Find Your Way to Be of Service to Many ∞The 9D Arcturian Council 1 2 3 4

  • Loja da PAZAA Espaço de Criar | Miriam Miranda Arte Vibracional

    IMG_7705a IMG_7640 IMG_7705a 1/18 Bem-vindo à Loja da Pazaa Objetos personalizados com as criações da Artista Visual e Terapeuta Holística Miriam Miranda Não encontrou o que procurava? Fale comigo no chat ou no Telegram.


    Comprehensive Therapies ​ Integral or Holistic Therapies seek detect the source of energy field disharmony by treating the mental, emotional and energetic causes that provocam. Following the steps of self-knowledge, awareness of the origin of imbalances and using specific tools and techniques for each situation presented, the numerous techniques used rebalance the Human Being system, so that the whole works in a full and harmonious way. Also called Vibrational Therapies, they are indicated for all people who seek personal development, who want to improve their understanding of themselves and life, and que need to change some energetic, emotional or even mental pattern that is interfering with their physical life, changing social patterns, their well-being and their quality of life. Arteterapia Quântica Transpessoal - Sessão On-line Quero conhecer Sistema Arcturiano de Cura Multidimensional - Sessão On-line Quero conhecer Sistema Integrado Arcturiano - SIA - Sessão On-line Quero conhecer Terapia Holística S.O.S. Sessão On-line Quero conhecer Vivências de Poder Pessoal em Grupo On-line Quero conhecer

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